Engineering at St Andrews

Engineering at St Andrews is a collective initiative for Engineering Innovation, Collaboration, and Education.
Engineering underpins research, teaching, and the function of departments across the University of St Andrews.
Engineering at St Andrews provides a holistic and collegiate environment for all aspects of Engineering, from theoretical to translation, atomic to planetary, with unique human centred approach based on the 610+ years since the University of St Andrews foundation.
Engineering aims to address global challenges and future opportunities by championing interdisciplinary research at St Andrews and puts the “E” back into STEMM (Science Technology Engineering Maths and Medicine).
Engineering is at the heart of our World-Leading Research at St Andrews and is in its modern broadest sense everywhere. Engineering at St Andrews encompasses all forms of Engineering from theoretical, quantum, electrical, photonic, molecular, chemical, genetic, organism, material, physical, environmental, geophysical, to planetary Engineering.
This is a portal to enable all Engineers (including students, early to late career academic researchers, technicians and administrative specialists) to develop ideas across single disciplines to transdisciplinary and from tiny concepts to life changing applications.
If your work at St Andrews links centrally or tangentially to Engineering, or if you are interested in building collaborative links, we warmly invite you to join our community. Please contact us with enquiries, suggestions and requests to join by emailing [email protected]